Saturday, 25 May 2013

TWTW #14 - Figuring it Out

Every time I think I'm starting to figure myself out, something hits and I'm lost again. Tis the path of life I guess, and I don't think I'm ready to be "sorted" anyhow (though if you ask me, I really would have wanted to be in Gryffindor and would've begged the hat to get me out of Hufflepuff! :P ).

The Makeup Area (a sneak peek!)
Ahh, I de-cluttered and simplified my on the table stash and I'm lovin' it. Too many products out and I feel guilty and overwhelmed. I started feeling like I had too much makeup (damn youtube) after talking to a friend who is just starting to get into it, but it honestly is one of my loves and I put a lot of thought into what I buy. Self-justification...

Mariah Carey + Miguel - Beautiful / Lana Del Rey - Young & Beautiful
Oops, didn't realise how similar these titles are but both songs are gorgeous. I just love the production on MC's new song and it's been awhile since I've loved a new song of hers. She was my absolute idol in my young in' years and I'm not ashamed to admit that anymore. I'm not a huge fan of LDR but a piano student of mine showed me this song and it's got me. I initially couldn't take her seriously since I saw that video on SNL but there is something so unique yet authentic about her voice that I love in this song. 

(Home / ) Inspiration
My little room is starting to feel sorted, with of course space to grow. I moved some bits around and have found a little corner to be able to store things for fashion inspiration. Now I'm not a big Harper's Bazaar reader, I'm not a high fashion girl at all, but I'm definitely looking forward to collecting magazines to help me 'hone my style' so to speak, and above all, to be inspired. I don't like the word fashion, but clothing is definitely another creative outlet for me so I'm glad to have found this spot to well, stir that pot..

Hope you've had a lovely week!

love, mai-anne


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