Sara Barielles - Brave
Sara Barielles - Brave
I just discovered this song the other day and it somehow put me back in my place - in a good way. It helped me put back in focus what my heart is about aside from all the distractions, I am grateful. I love how Sara crafts her lyrics and how strong she is when she performs. Inspired.
My Ethos
My Ethos
I think I finally am able to express where I am at with my beauty ethos and it's taken me awhile. I went from being a green-eyed monster, to wanting to rebel against myself like a geeky teen in highschool, since I discovered makeup shortly after and felt like I was "missing out", to feeling guilty about that and to where I am now. I've hesitated calling myself a green blogger (or even a beauty blogger) because I'm not completely perfect about it and was afraid of the judgement if I wasn't - silly, I know. I've also started a move towards cruelty-free products but I really don't know anything about it, so I'm no resource and therefore not a very good activist. But I've come to realise that for me, its not necessarily about "converting" or "switching" into an eco, cruelty-free person etc, but appreciating companies that are thoughtful and not just profit driven. It's not about the rules per se but the thought put in when purchasing, blogging etc. And it keeps it fun - I don't just buy green products because it's good for you, but because I genuinely love it and appreciate them, sappy.
Gilmore Girls / Kim Sam Soon
Gilmore Girls / Kim Sam Soon
I started watching Gilmore Girls again, this was my favourite show back in highschool. I still find Rory inspiring, and it gets me going with my blimmin' uni work. Kim Sam Soon? Well whenever a big change in my life happens and I'm feeling a bit, well, emotional, I seem to gravitate to this series and its soundtrack. I'm not hypo about Korean dramas but this is one of my favourites, if not THE favourite and I highly recommend it. Think Bridget Jones but Korean :P
Just some little snippets from the week. I love these posts, it's a nice way to look back while writing it and someday in the future as well, I hope.
x mai-anne
I LOVE how you organize!! beautiful.