Sunday, 3 March 2013

Friday Favourites #3: A Pretty Forgettable Week

Ugh. Glad this one is over. And now, how to write about it?  *think happy thoughts*

Ahh thinking about something pretty sure does perk me up! I've ignored this blush for awhile, since I used to death a while back but I'm crushing on it again.  It's on the orange side of life, but deeper and with coral hues and a touch of golden sparkles. I've been using bright peachy tones lately and suddenly longed for something of that sort but deeper and Springsheen filled that sudden void. I love it!

No joke but it's probably my mamma's chicken kebabs. yaaarm!

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' The Heist. I'm very late to catch onto them (I've been really out of the loop of current music) but it's been a long time since a new (ish) act has really rocked my world. I adore the production of the album and Macklemore's lyrics. "Same Love" is just, incredible. Songs don't tend to moisten my eyes but this song does. So powerful.

Since getting into makeup, Kevyn Aucoin's name is one that I've heard many times and yesterday I found myself watching videos about him. How he revolutionised the industry is such an incredible story but even more so is his life story. How he stayed himself despite where he was born and what industry he aspired to become a part of (or moreover, create) just strikes me. I spent so much of my life trying to be what my society told me was good and had no guts to be an individual, and my inner self wasn't anywhere near as in conflict to my surroundings as Kevyn was in his.  In this video, he stresses how important it is to be yourself, and that is the thing that makes him proud of himself, even next to his massive achievements. So when I don't feel strong about who I am, I think I'm always going to think of him, as corny balls as that sounds. And gosh, what a nice person he seems to be!

That's probably enough of this week, time to look forward now, it's the weekend! :)

How has your week been?

x mai-anne


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